Transformational Bodywork

Rolfing® Structural Integration influenced by Craniosacral Therapy for healing and high performance.

The Feldenkrais Method®

Dive into your movement patterns and cultivate sensate awareness. Develop physical fluency and cognitive clarity.

Functional & Martial Fitness

Bring somatic awareness and structural alignment to physical practices for everyday life and beyond.

Benjamin Eli Eichenauer, LMT
Certified Advanced Rolfer

Eli is a Certified Advanced Rolfer who’s practiced holistic manual therapy in Portland for over 20 years.

His influences include: Ayurveda, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Functional Fitness, Martial Arts, Meditation, Non-Violent Communication, and Shamanic Qigong.

Oregon License #10315

Your health and safety are very important to me.

RolfingPDX has put in place extensive measures to reduce the spread of Covid and other infectious diseases.

  • The RolfingPDX Studio is a spacious room with high ceilings and large windows that is equipped with a HEPA air filter.

  • During and between each session, fresh air can be circulated and exchanged with an industrial fan while maintaining a quiet, warm, and welcoming therapeutic environment.