The Feldenkrais Method®
‘When you give the body one taste, you learn it better than with a thousand explanations.’
~Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais
The Feldenkrais Method of somatic education is a gateway to health and personal discovery. It’s an incredible tool in your journey to vital, integrated, delicious movement.
Change the way you move and feel the difference.
It all started when…
I had a life changing Feldenkrais session!
As a yoga devotee, I was surprised that something so gentle could be so effective.
The Feldenkrais Method of somatic education helped me to learn, concretely, how to listen to what I’m doing and sense how I’m doing it. I completed my training in 2004 then taught classes and private clients until I was 7 months pregnant in 2010. Since then I’ve been a full time Mama and a part-time Operations Manager at the International Feldenkrais Federation’s Distribution Center. I’m excited to open my private practice once again.
Want to play? Begin the journey with this first step ~ turn on your ‘somatic ears’ and listen to the silence and melody of your own movement. What do you notice?
~Allegra Heidelinde, your partner in movement discovery.